The Verbo Christian Educational Unit is a particular, Christian and inclusive educational community, aimed at training boys, girls and adolescents with quality and warmth education, based on biblical principles and values; maintaining the highest academic level, discovering the individuality and potential of each student, to that their gifts and talents be used in society in the light of God's truth."
In five years, the Verbo Christian Educational Unit will be an educational community recognized for its commitment to academic quality, respect for individual needs and with the training of men and women who practice the word of God, manifest the character of Christ and live according to the purpose for which they were created.
The Verbo Christian Educational Unit promotes the comprehensive development of its human talents, in the following dimensions:
Spiritual affective dimension
We are a Christian educational institution that teaches teachings based on biblical principles that guide and explain each content to offer a comprehensive and quality education.
We teach the biblical principles of order and discipline, obedience, sovereignty of God, stewardship, sowing and harvest, identity in Christ, gratitude, forgiveness and respect, which constitute transversal axes in our lives and in our educational practice.
We enhance the individuality and capacity of each of our students so that their gifts are used in the light of God's truth.
We wish to provide an emotional world in which students find love for God, respect, sharing with others, learning and using their creativity.
We believe that the teaching of the word of God makes us discern, reflect and think according to the nature and lordship of Christ, becoming our firm and balanced lifestyle.
Cognitive dimension
Our institutional philosophy encourages teamwork as a means to enhance individual capabilities.
Our teachers are willing to constantly innovate.
We believe in inclusive education where the needs of students are supported and their abilities are enhanced.
We practice a pedagogical model cognitive with emphasis on conceptual and critical analysis that guides a contextualized and prospective curricular design.
We claim to train socially, morally and politically wiser students who can take advantage of the advantages provided by technology and science, using them for the benefit of humanity.
Praxitive Dimension
The teacher at the Verbo Christian Educational Unit is a trainer by vocation, aware of his role as mediator of the PEA.
The teacher is a professional willing to be a guide in the development of knowledge, gifts and talents of their students.
Our teachers are coherent and consistent with their knowledge and convictions based on the word of God, which is why they enjoy a good testimony of life.
We form students who perform in its social context in an integral and authentic way, showing the character of Christ inside and outside the institution.
Coexistence Dimension
We believe in the joint work of mutual and permanent relationship and collaboration with all members of the educational community.
Our human talent knows, accept individual differences and work on diversity.
We work in a personal and group way establishing an interpersonal relationship of friendship, trust and respect.